Thursday, July 28, 2016

I want to write but don't know where to start.

I want to write. Where do I start?

12 tips for beginning writers

Set aside a regular time to write. It could be a daily routine or several times per week, but schedule it as you would an important meeting. 

Write. Don't let the blank page or computer screen intimidate you. 

Start small. Don't expect your first work to be a full-length novel. I suggest starting with a single truth you noticed in Scripture. Expand on it. Find a practical application for it and write it out. Let God's Holy Spirit guide you in expounding on His Word, being careful to stay within the context of Scripture. Stay within the one single theme of the verse or verses. 

Edit. Clean it up using tools that are built into your word processor and products like Grammarly, look for errors in spelling and punctuation. Read it aloud. Does it make sense? Does it have an easy-to-understand message?  

Expand your edits to look for repeated, flamboyant, and unnecessary words. Keep it simple.

Critique. After you have cleaned up your story, let a critique group look at it. (Not family or friends. They are biased.) Put on your thick skin, and remain silent while they show you where and how you can improve. We all need to improve and hone our skills. If you are part of Word Weavers, the group will give you both positive feedback as well as help you find areas to work on.

Re-write. Don't be afraid to write it again. Writers write and re-write. That doesn't mean you have failed. It means you are learning and growing.

Share it with the world. Share it on social media. That's a great way to gather readers no matter the topic. Start a blog and add to it regularly. Write an editorial or article for your local newspaper.

Keep writing. Set aside a regular time to write and have a general goal, whether one or two pages or a thousand words. Set your time. Write, and keep to your goals.

Study the craft of writing. 

Attend writers' conferences.

Join writers groups to sharpen your skills.

Be patient. It takes time to learn the craft.  
Dear writer, I pray that you will seek out what God wants you to write and that you will be obedient to that calling, fearless to pursue His will and do His work.

Lisa Worthey Smith



  1. Lisa, your inspirationals connected with God's creation are just wonderful and thought provoking for me. I know you are busy, but would you perhaps be willing to check out my new blog and give me an honest critique?

    1. Thank you Rebecca! I pray they will always reflect Him and point to Him.

      Thank you for taking the time to comment. I have visited your blog too! Expecially liked the Aug 5 2017 blog about our wonderful, powerful, personal God!
