Tuesday, May 17, 2022

I want to write but I feel stuck

It's not uncommon for every writer to go through a slump. Writing can be a roller coaster of highs and lows. Some books and stories can be well received, others seem to never gain momentum and take flight.

Writers with Christian elements and themes in their books face the same ups and downs. Life circumstances change our writing habits. A negative review makes us hesitant to put our work out there. The plague of "imposter syndrome" is rampant in writing communities, often settling in when we compare our success with that of another author. 

What can we do when we're in the low part of the ride? Below are four "whos" for the Christian writer to remember when it's hard to write.

Who called you to write? 
When God called Moses, he didn't feel qualified. When God called Elijah, he sometimes ran in fear. As He did back then, God often calls people to do things they do not feel qualified to do. We might have to spend time in training, but probably not the decades Moses spent in the wilderness before leading the people out of captivity from Egypt. 
Hone your skills while writing. Seek critique groups to help you find areas to work on while you write. Attend seminars, conferences, or work with a coach while you are writing. Don't wait until you feel equipped. No writer has achieved perfection, and it's not likely you will either. He expects and will use your obedience to His call. If God asked you to write, what could be more important? Prayerfully ask God to renew your desire to write and have His words flow from you.

Who will receive glory from your book/stories?
When God called you to write, He didn't do it to put your name in lights. If the fear of not being good enough is a hindrance, remember it isn't about the critics. It's kingdom work. 
Writers with a Christian theme or elements are drawing readers closer to God or perhaps introducing them to the Savior. That's far more important than my fear of rejection from man. Remember the reason for the words--to gently draw another soul toward heaven.

Who did He call to write this story? 
Sure. There are many great Christian writers out there. However, He called you to write the one in front of you, or in your heart. This is your chance to obey the God who knows who needs to hear this story--the one He wants you to write. He chose You. 

Who wants to stall your message?
The enemy, Satan, has the most to gain if we set our calling aside. He will not be happy with anyone who speaks the truth that expose his lies. He will find ways to distract you and delay you. He often slips in a little doubt to sway you from being obedient. 

He planted doubt in the heart of Eve in Genesis by asking if God really said to not eat from the tree.
He plants doubt in the heart of the Christian writer by asking if God really called us to write, if God really want us to write boldly about Him, if God really wouldn't rather you make a lot of money by writing more lucrative stories with unbiblical themes. 

You know the gift He has given you. You know the responsibility that comes with it. You also know who would love to see you give up.

Meanwhile, God is cheering for you. I am too.

Father in heaven,
remind us of your call on our lives and give us the courage to stand against anything that tries to draw us away from it.
In Jesus' name, amen.

Dear writer,
Prayerfully recall the desire God already planted in you. Write it down and keep it front and center of your writing space. You could make it your mission statement to keep you focused.

Remember He is the one who will bring the fruit from it if you cultivate it and keep at it. Don't quit. Your cheering section is rooting for you.


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