Thursday, June 2, 2022

Two things to remember if you are doing your best and still don't win an award.

While being genuinely thrilled to hear of fellow writers achieving their goals and being recognized within the industry with awards, writers can still be disappointed about their lack of one. Other writers'  walls fill with plaques and certificates but yours lacks that one elusive award or perhaps your latest work has yet to earn any recognition. It is so common in the industry we call it the "imposter syndrome." 

It is natural to want your work to be noticed, even praised. You worked hard on it and expected it to make an impact on the world. When it doesn't happen in the form of winning a contest, we can feel as if we aren't really doing what we should be doing. We doubt if we should even call ourselves "writers."

First, remember your calling to write. God gave you the mind, the words, and the desire to write. You are writing to honor Him. Your obedience to obey His calling is what He desires. He will provide the fruit from your labors in His time. 

You may never know this side of heaven of the impact of a simple comment, an article, devotion, or novel made in one person's heart. Those words you prayed over and wrangled into place hit home with someone. It could have changed their response to a situation from a volatile response to a more measured one. Your words might have prompted someone to open their Bible one more time, read and pray. The story you wrote might have touched their heart into action for a ministry or service. It could have been the one thing that God used to prick their heart into a deeper faith.

1) You are working for God, not the praise of men. He will reward you.

Whatever you do, do your work heartily (from the soul), as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve. Colossians  3:23,24 (NASB95) 

2) If you are writing/working to please men, it is not likely you will be writing for the Christian market. Christian writers rarely have comparable income or praise as secular writers. 

You aren't writing to impress. You're writing to bless.

For am I now seeking the favor or men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a bond-servant of Christ. Galatians 1:10

Dear Writer,

Please remember your audience is the Lord God. He will use your words in ways you might never realize this side of eternity. But, oh, in heaven, how great will be your reward!

Keep writing for Him, precious writer! I'm cheering for you! Encourage another writer today. They need the boost as much as you do. Your encouragement might inspire them to write a little more.



Father in heaven,

Encourage the writer reading this today. Remind them of the calling You have for them. Strengthen them when they feel discouraged and empower them with the message You want them to share.

In Jesus' name, amen.

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  1. Love this, Lisa. We all need a reminder now and then. Thank you.

    1. Gail, thank you for stopping by and for your encouraging comment. I needed it as much as anyone.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, Ginger for stopping by. I appreciate your encouragement.
